… How Do We Strive for Impact? A Discussion with Melissa Thi Le of Strive With Me

Bas hops on the mic with Melissa Thi Le, social entrepreneur and community leader behind Strive With Me. The two discuss community, hard conversations, and making an impact. Melissa ends by going through her daily habits and how she lives her best life.
So I Was Thinking… How Do We Strive for Impact?

In this episode, Bas and Melissa discuss how to make an impact on the community, diving through Melissa's time in the Philly and Jersey startup scene, why she created Strive With Me, and its impact, and how others can be ruthless about the impact the outside world has on their own happiness. The two end their conversation by going through her daily habits and how she lives her best life.

Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on some great guests from co-founders and CEOs, to local legends, and overall just kick*ss people.

Follow Melissa on social media:
Twitter - @melissathile
LinkedIn - @melissathile
Instagram - @melissathile

⌚ Stay tuned for the February 23rd interview with Siah McCabe, a former YPC Spotlight Award Honoree.
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