Episode 8: ...How do we strive for more?

Bas talks with his friend Naimah. The two talk about making decisions, creating simple habits for staying sane, and of course, Penn. They end by talking about how to best manage anxiety.
So I Was Thinking... What's it like to always want to improve?

That's what we talk about today in the last episode of Season 1, as Bas interviews his friend Naimah. During the interview, Naimah discusses what's it been like to grow up and start her career in Philadelphia. Recounting her family's story of coming to the states, she also talks about how she gets 1% better every day. Naimah and Bas talking about college and whether or it's worth it when compared to the gig economy. The two also discuss some new habits that Naimah has been introducing into her life and what she does to stay happy, calm, and thankful. As always, the two wrap up with insight into how Naimaih lives her best life.

⌚ Stay tuned for the Season 1 Epilogue.
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